Wednesday 30 October 2013

VFX Boards 1

Here are some of my early VFX research boards. The purpose of these is just to try and represent in a visual way, what sort of things I'll be looking at in order to make this project come together. Including other examples of work, breakdowns and even the software used.

The basic premise has not changed since being given out our briefs. Except that the focus has shifted slightly towards a more compositing angle. However this DOES NOT mean that I will be skimping on the creation of assets. A big influence behind this will likely be "Pacific Rim" as it has that giant monsters vibe that I'm looking for. However the monsters I'm designing are far larger than them, and the focus will be shifted to fighter craft and military hardware other than bipedal robots.

All in all I feel this is a good thing as it restricts me and gives me a more focused and (hopefully) a more polished project.

Next step. Snapping some photographs of the city and painting some concept ideas across them to try and fit the "epic space monster demon thing" idea in a smaller environment. But we shall see what I can come up with.

I've also included I think the first concept image I painted for this project (besides sketches). This is more the scale I'm thinking (as this was actually painted over a photograph of Dundee's waterfront). However while im thinking of compositing in some cool buildings I don't want to change the scene too much.

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