Friday 7 March 2014

Griffith Assault Walker 02

After this I began to build the walker, as I said this initially began as a technical exercise, so I did not do any concept work before beginning modelling as I wasn't sure id be using this in my project at this point.

These were just my initial rough blockouts of the design, just to get a feel for the basic shapes and forms.
Trying to keep the function of the mech very much in mind, how it would move and what each piece was for. Although this would get clearer and clearer as I continued modelling.

 In this picture a lot of the functionality of the lower legs has been defined, along with a lot of its basic design elements such as the armour plating. One area I was never happy with at this stage was how the middle leg connected to the lower leg, this is something I would have to fix.

This stage was me just experimenting with the cockpit, as I had had a idea for how the viewscreens within it would work. Drawing inspiration from the Gungnir helmet in Halo (pictured) the idea was that the cockpit itself would have no window. Instead it would have a series of cameras that would feed images to the viewscreens within the mech itself. A bit like how a reversing camera on a car works. It feeds an image to the center console.

This is an important stage, the sides of the main body were changed. They were changed to allow the legs more room to move and so they didnt clip into anything. They were also moved to give the walker a more distinctive/menacing silhouette.

Another important step. A lot of the forms and indeed the details have been defined. However, keeping in mind this is designed for combat I went ahead and added some weaponry to it, two miniguns and two rocket pods. The lower leg design was still annoying me at this point. So that was the next thing I had to tackle.

These are the redesigned (lower) legs. I feel like this is a far better design overall as it looks a lot more functional than the previous one and it also looks less likely to collapse under strain. A few details were also added like the exhaust ports.

Another thing to be reworked was the weaponry. I realised the chainguns as they stood wouldnt be very effective, as they were in a fixed position. So I quickly modelled a system where the walker had two main chainguns pointing forward. And then two smaller ones that could be swivelled around to point wherever they are needed.

MIRV. Another wee thing I wanted to add. A final punch for this walker. An idea I had while watching this particular youtube video. A Multiple Independently Target-able Re-entry vehicle, or MIRV. The idea being that the mech can punch well above its weight if it needs to.

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