Friday 7 March 2014

Griffith Assault Walker 03

Cockpit! As I said this began as a technical exercise, and so I wanted to just make as crazily cool a model as I could. This involved the modelling of a complete cockpit.

This first image is merely a rough-out of the initial concept for the cockpit. After creating this it became apparent that it could use a better sense of design and a bit more complexity in it aswell.

The first step in achieving this was the creation of some extra controls, mainly joysticks! Inspired by the cockpits in Mechwarrior Online, I felt these controls would help add a degree of authenticity and complexity to the cockpit. Pictured here you can see me using the stock "XSI Man Armoured" model to make sure everything is scaled properly.

Another shot taken of the cockpit from a different view, you can sort of see in this shot the way I changed the view-screens so they looked more futuristic. You can also see the access ladder that you have to climb down to get into the cockpit.

Here we have the pilots view. I positioned a camera in the pilots eyes so that when I switched to it, it would show me exactly what the pilot would see and I could look around the cockpit from his point of view.

Here we have the completed cockpit. I changed the lighting as well and yet again changing the view-screens to make them look neater. I also added a few touches such as cup-holders and a periscope like device positioned above the wheel.

This is the pilots eye view of the final cockpit

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