Friday 7 March 2014

Griffith Assault Walker 04

Pilot! The next step was to create a pilot for this walker. Now for this model I did indeed draw out a very rough concept, just to give me a starting point. Drawing inspiration from existing designs aswell I wanted to create something that looked like a pilot suit rather than just armour or like it was designed solely for combat.
I have included a selection of my reference/inspiration material.

Pictured below is the very rough design I painted in Photoshop. It was enough to get started.

 Below is a very quick rough basemesh I sculpted in ZBrush, just to give me something to build around. It isn't great but it did the job.

Here are the first two images of the helmet being modelled. As you can see I tried to stick roughly to the concept but I altered the design a lot where I felt that it needed it. Overall I think that it is better off for it.

The chest piece was very important for me to get right. I really liked the design I had done for it in the concept so the challenge was to realize that fully in 3D, the blue and yellow very quickly became a kind of padded under-suit. As I wanted to keep it clear this was not a combat design there is very little in the way of actual armour plating incorporated within it.

Here we are showing the almost finished model. However I was not happy with the lower legs, and these would be something I went back to alter.

Here is the final hi poly model. After tweaking the lower leg and boot so that it fits in with the design better. I think I succeeded in creating a character that looks like she isn't primarily built for combat. I did however decide to give her a pistol in order to defend herself. The model of which is pictured below the character.

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