Thursday 16 January 2014

Asp + Evaluation

Another design I'm very proud of. This shows the development of the initial idea, taken from the concept painting and the  improved upon using the other sketches I had to hand. I think that this is a succesful model for what I wanted and it shows some level of functionality beyond surface level with the flaps that open up in flight and the fact that wings fold away as well as the docking port on the top of the craft.
This design actually came out better than I was expecting, however I do feel that my texturing needs improvement as they do an adequate job of making the fighter look sufficiently beaten and weathered however they could be clearer and less muddy I feel. Which is ironic given what they are meant to convey. This is something I will be focusing on in the future. Another thing that I feel could be improved is the time it took to create the low poly version. However this is more an issue with the workflow used for this type of hard surface model.

I would also have loved to add more detail and even a cockpit however I was pressed for time when I finished off this. And creating any extra parts would have just taken far too long. As much as they would have provided some very cool shots for the video. I also wish I had time to flesh out the folding mechanism of the wings and the flight/flaps and to design them a bit better and make them more believeable.
I am pleased with this overall though as I feel that it is another improvement to my work.

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