Thursday 16 January 2014

Creature and Evaluation

The final design of the Lovecraftian/Dune/Audrey inspired beast. I feel that this is by far and away an improvement over my previous design work. It clearly illustrates the monster and also takes into account how the creature will move, with its segmented neck, and looser underjaw. There are errors I would like to fix and several areas I would like to improve. As while I feel this is good for showing the physical design and form. It could do a better job of illustrating the nature of the creatures skin and the texture of that. At the moment it looks a bit flat. And of course there is still much room for improvment overall. As a starting point for the models though It does its job well and means that I can spend less time designing and more time modelling the design. Which means I will get it produced faster, which is vital. One final thing Is I feel that the area where all the tentacles join could be better thought out. I went for a creepy Lovecraftian style "Eye" them and I neglected the practicality of having that many arms joining in the one place. As it stands the transition between these areas could have used a lot more love than it ended up getting. And is definitely something I will have to improve when it comes to the model. The tentacles aswell could have used more love and been a bit more defined in just how they are segmented to move.

However overall it is I feel successful in as much as it is a definite improvement for me and it serves as a perfectly serviceable start for creating the creature in 3D.

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