Thursday 16 January 2014

Creature + Evaluation

Im extremely pleased with how this came out.  Though it took its sweet time to create the SSS shader and to texture and model it fully.It fulfils everything I set out for it to do to be a creepy "blind" Lovecraftian monstrosity. The problems with the design as to be regarding the way the tentacles attach to the body have been solved in a way, as have the way the tentacles themselves move. However the tentacles could still have been attached to the body in a better way, the design of them could also have been better as I feel that while I tried to do a modular, easily repeatable design for them It could be closer to that of what a octopus tentacle looks like as opposed to how it turned out.
I feel that the skin of the creature turned out exactly how I wanted it, light and translucent as if the creature has been living in the dark for hundreds of years, but with subtle variations in the texture so as to keep it interesting. It also has a slimy coating on it that I feel is vastly appropriate for a creature of this type.
If I were to improve a few things it would be mainly on the tentacles and the way they attach to the body aswell as refining the entire model overall and making the "eyes" on the neck look better.
I am very pleased with it though. However render times are still posing a problem given the nature of the model and material on it. Which could prove to be an issue when it comes to render the final video.

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