Thursday 16 January 2014

First two composites & Evaluation

Given that these are only photo composites I am very pleased with how they have turned out. I like the way the colours of these two are so very different as are the styles. The models lend themselves well to this scene as I was sure they would given the amount of planning that went into this project. I would like to improve upon situating the creature in the world better and perhaps getting a closer view of it so I can show all the detail that went into it. As-well as the ships. I would love to have created an entire video in the vein of some of these composites however given the render times that is just not practical at the moment. And these photo comps will have to do for now. I wnat to further explore different angles and perhaps some more dynamic shots of the creature aswell, just to show it off a bit better and let the audience be more aware of exactly what it is that this monstrosity is doing. 
I do feel that it is successful in as much as its very obvious that these fighters are flying towards this alien invader and the eye is clearly drawn along that line from left to right towards the creatures location.
I also like how in the 2nd image the creature is more obscured. I may end up exploring thisidea in future composites.

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