Thursday 15 May 2014

Draft Showreel Version 3

Another draft, here we have an idea which goes some way to helping solve the issue of dizziness that was plaguing my reels beforehand. The still images that are panned over slowly have been designed to give the viewers eye a rest between turntables. They also serve to show the models off in some form of context. As I mentioned previously, the reel is about selling yourself and showing off the models the best way you can. I felt that these images would help add an extra layer of that, as well as providing something different and interesting compared to the turntables.

In this reel, we also have the final piece of music I wished to use, a track by Kirill Pokrovsky that he created for Divinity: Dragon Commander. I was able to obtain the composers permission to use this piece of music within my show reel. I feel that it fits very well. I extended the track using audacity to loop the main melody so that it could be as long as I needed it. The percussive nature and strong beat of this track as well as the memorable melody provide the sense of rhythm that I was looking for to help carry viewers through my show reel.

Another track I had thought about using was this, however the track itself is a bit too intense and too fast for the reel. Timing it correctly and having the right flow would have meant speeding up the reel. This would only have compounded the issue of dizziness that I was on my way to combating.

The labels have been included here as well, as we are getting closed to a final presentable version.

This version of the reel also required some more work. For a start it is still too long and I needed to find some way to cut it down. I was also unhappy with several of the still, panned images. So this was something I needed to correct before It was presentable.

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