Thursday 15 May 2014

Initial Layout and Compositional Ideas

This is a quick demonstration I through together of how I felt like I could work around the issue of it jumping between all the different maps, and cutting too quickly for the eye to rest on one image.

This goes some-way to solving this problem. However there are still issues with it as pointed out by one of my lecturers. For a start there is no priority given to any of the image so the eye does not know where to look. Secondly, it does not solve the dizziness issue.

Other issues include the fact that the background is too similar to Maya's. Which would put a lot of people off, as they would spend a lot of their days staring at those colours regardless.

However I was very happy with the idea of having the different models all on the one page and this is the way that I chose to present my creations from here on. As I felt it provided a good looking, effective way to show the breakdown of images.

In deciding how to present my models I looked at other showreels and breakdowns.

These are two of the break-downs that are what initially inspired some of the choices I made in presenting my models. Such as showing the texture maps on the model as opposed to as a flat texture (Which can be seen on my folio site).

It also gave me the idea of layering the wire frames over the top of the actual model rather than having it as a separate turntable like this. Layering them over was just a matter of simple compositing.

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